Friday 12 August 2016

Precautions to prevent fires

The following precautions should be taken to prevent fires:

  • use less-easily ignited and fewer flammable materials, eg use water-based or low-solvent glues and paint;
  • keep the quantity of flammables at the workplace to a minimum;
  • always keep and carry flammable liquids in suitable closed containers;
  • have an extinguisher to hand when doing hot work such as welding or using a disc cutter that produces sparks;
  • check the site at lunch time and at the end of the day to see that all plant and equipment that could cause a fire is turned off. Stop hot working an hour before people go home, as this will allow more time for smouldering fires to be identified; and
  • provide closed metal containers to collect rubbish and remove them from the site regularly. Collect highly flammable waste such as solvent-soaked rags separately in closed fire-resisting containers.

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