Monday 7 March 2016

Prevention of Slips and Trips - POSHE

Prevention of Slips and Trips

Slip  -  Too little friction or traction between feet (footwear) & walking / working surface, resulting in loss of balance

– Foot or lower leg hits object & upper body continues moving, resulting in loss of balance
– Stepping down to lower surface & losing balance

Ensure floor has sufficient surface roughness, taking account of spillages and contamination.
Eliminates holes, slopes or uneven surface.
Eliminate contamination of the floor from water or food products, e.g: lips around tables, leak and spillage prevention, dry method to clean floors
Eliminate materials or objects likely to cause tripping
Prevent contamination of walkways, e.g. bunds around equipment, drainage channels, cleaning incoming footwear.
Eliminate the storage / location of equipment / materials in pedestrian walkways.
Limit the effects of contamination, e.g. Immediate treatment of spillages, good ventilation for dying.
Regular Housekeeping Regimes
Ensure cleaning regimes are effective and floor treatments are non-slip.
Eliminated or reduce the cause of floor damage, e.g. Pushing / Pulling trolleys.
Select suitable footwear.
Maintain the flooring conditions, e.g. Repair carpets, etc.
Eliminated or reduce the carrying of loads or pushing / pulling trolleys

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